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Omron M6 Comfort



Omron M6 Comfort Upper Arm Range

Intelli Wrap Cuff – the easy way to get accurate results

The OMRON M6 Comfort comes with the Intelli Wrap Cuff – the easy way to get accurate results. It also takes 3 consecutive readings at 30 second intervals, then displays the average to give you a more accurate indication of your blood pressure.

Product Features

Intelli Wrap Cuff Technology – Accurate results in any position around the upper arm1 3x measurement function – The OMRON M6 takes 3 consecutive readings at 30 second intervals, then displays the average to give you a realistic indication of
your morning and evening blood pressure over time

Comparison functions – The comparison mode not only compares morning and evening results, but also allows you to compare readings with previous measurements

Hypertension indicator – Indicates if result is above recommended level

Irregular heartbeat detection – The OMRON M6 Comfort can detect irregular heartbeat during your usual blood pressure monitoring

Body Movement Detection – Signals if too much movement is detected during measurement, to avoid inaccurate readings

Cuff Wrap Guide – The M6 Comfort has an indicator to let you know that your cuff is wrapped correctly

Memory Capacity – 2 users x 60 memories + guest mode. Your monitor can store data for two separate users, enabling you to track individual readings and trends


Product Features Description

From Omron, the number one recommended brand by cardiologists for home blood pressure monitors in Europe

Omron’s unique Intelli Wrap Cuff takes away the hassle of cuff placement on the upper arm – giving accurate blood pressure measurements in any position around the upper arm

Cuff wrap guide and body movement detection indicators help you to avoid common mistakes that can cause inaccurate blood pressure readings

The M3 Comfort can be used by two separate users + a guest and stores up to 60 blood pressure readings per user




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