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Omron – RS3 Intelli IT



Omron – RS3 Intelli IT-Automatic Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

Connected, portable and accurate for all body sizes.

OMRON RS3 Intelli IT Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor with Bluetooth Connectivity for Use at Home or on the Go.


Product Features

OMRON connect app – Get connected. Access anytime. See progress.
Mobile application for iPhone / Android

Intellisense Technology – Measurement without unnecessary overinflation
of the cuff

Cuff Wrap Guide – Indicates if the cuff is wrapped correctly: not too
loose or too tight

Irregular heartbeat detection – Indicates if irregular heartbeat is
detected during the reading

1 user x 30 memories


Product Features Description

RS3 Intelli IT
Connected, portable and accurate for all body
sizes. OMRON’s first Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor validated
in obese population3*.
Especially in obese people, technical challenges such as improper cuff and bladder size, cone shaped arm and/or subcutaneous adiposity thickness can lead to inaccurate results and therefore inadequate treatment. In such situations, wrist blood pressure monitors are justified specifically in obese patients with upper arm circumference more than 32cm.The new wrist BPM range of OMRON is convenient for all body shapes** to get accurate measurements





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